Died peacefully at RUH of complications from surgery, on January 28, 2013 with his wife by his side.
He was known to many as George, Ken, Mr. Y, Crazy George.
He was smart, witty, funny, principled, and very private. He was a marvellous husband, a skilled woodworker, a Harley Davidson rider, a dapper dude who liked nice things. George enjoyed many things including gambling, gaming, horses, shopping, and gadgets, and was always teasing and joking.
He was a survivor. He survived Indian Residential School, Alcoholism and Cancer. After overcoming so much, the last twenty years of his life were as he wanted it to be. It was filled with joy, laughter, road trips and special times with Myrna.
He had a lengthy career in various engineering capacities. He was a graduate SIAST Civil Engineering Technology. He retired from the City of Saskatoon in May 2011.
His memory will be treasured by his wife, Myrna, parents Ken and Vera, his dogs, godchildren Kendra, Marlon, and Marla, and numerous family and friends.
A student award will be created in memory of Kenneth George Yuzicapi. In lieu of flowers, donations may be directed to: SIAST Student Awards, SIAST Administrative Offices, Attn: Barb Bissonnette, Donor & Alumni Relations
400-119 4th Ave South Saskatoon, SK S7K 5X2.
Online condolences may be sent from www.hillcrestmemorial.ca. A Celebration of Ken’s Life will be held Monday, February 4, 2013 at Hillcrest Funeral Home (east on 8th St., first right past Briargate Rd) at 2:00 p.m. Arrangements entrusted to Megan Kasper.
The Serenity Prayer
G od grant me the serenity to accept
The things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference.